3 Steps To Voting in the MPS School Board Election


All eligible voters who live in Minneapolis can vote in the Minneapolis school board election. You do not need to have a child in Minneapolis Public Schools in order to vote in the school board election.

1. Register To Vote

If you have any additional questions about registering to vote, you can find answers on the MN Secretary of State's website or call 1-877-600-VOTE.

2. Find Out Who Is On Your Ballot

  • Enter your address to view your sample ballot.
  • You will see all the elections you can vote for. Scroll halfway down the page to find school board.
  • It will be listed as "School Board Member [At-Large or District #] (SSD#1)"

3. Make A Plan To Vote

In this election you can vote early by mail, vote early in person, or in-person on election day.

  • Vote Early In Person
    • Any Minneapolis voter can vote early in person at two locations starting on September 23rd through November 7th:
      • Minneapolis Voter and Election Services, 980 E Hennepin Ave, Minneapolis, MN 55414
      • Hennepin County Government Center, Skyway Level, 300 6th St, Minneapolis, MN 55487
    • Check hours and location services here.
  • Vote on Election Day on November 8th
    • Find your polling location on election day. You CANNOT vote at the early voting locations on election day.
    • Polls will be open from 7am-8pm on Tuesday, November 8th.
    • If you're in line by 8PM, you must be permitted to vote.